Urban Reach
Urban Reach is a youth ministry based in Scotland with a heart to see children and young people ignited as followers of Jesus.
Started by Barry Train, a former soldier turned youth pastor who has a powerful coming-to-faith story of his own, Urban Reach now impacts hundreds of kids' lives every year, by offering opportunities to build community, especially through outdoor camps.

A note from
Urban Reach
founder, Barry Train
We started UR Camp Extreme as an inner city camp five years ago. Now we're so excited to open it up to other church and youth groups, especially those in deprived areas.
The cost of our camp has always been only £15. Most said it was impossible to put on a camp for that little, and honestly it was looking like it! For a while, our plans were on hold due to lack of equipment and funding.
But with prayer and God's helping hand, things started to move. I got a call from the Army in Edinburgh. They had heard about what we were trying to do and they wanted to gift us items we needed. Together with people’s generous donations, we were able to source everything we needed and we could make plans for our camps.
As a father of five kids, I love sharing my survival techniques from my Army background and going on family adventures together. It is not only exciting and fun but teaches them useful life and outdoor skills and what it really means to be able to look after yourself when things are challenging.
I can't wait to welcome more kids along for life-changing experiences at Camp Extreme.

Urban Reach Mission
God has called us to see and to understand.
Paul speaks about the heavenly vision in Act 26:19. This vision was to changed his whole life. He saw something he had never seen nor understood before. When he acted upon it and was obedient to it, his whole life was changed, and the life of many more he encountered. His service, like that of every servant of Jesus Christ, started with a vision.
We want to invest in the next generation of young people in significant ways.
We want to instruct young people in the core doctrines and disciplines of the Christian faith.
We want to inspire young people by our example and challenge them to take a faith-filled walk as followers of Christ.
We want to ignite young people with a passion for Jesus Christ, a love for the lost, and a commitment to the local church and community, ready to be sent out.

Urban Reach Vision
The vision is for every one of our youth to be:
POSITIVE that God loves them and that He has a good plan and purpose for their lives.
PERSUADED that God’s way really is the only way.
PASSIONATE for Jesus Christ, for His church, for the needy, and for the lost within their community.
PREPARED to be followers of Jesus and GO into all the world ready, equipped in the word and willing for service, and for leadership of God’s plan in their lives.

5 things we pray every young person knows at Urban Reach
God loves you and so do we.
You are safe here.
You are special.
God has a plan for you.
God’s way really is the ONLY way. Trust Him.